
Preavviso: Adeguamento del prezzo dei nostri servizi

  • 12º Agosto 2022
Caro Cliente I prezzi dell'energia dai fornitori sono aumentati drasticamente dalla fine dello scorso anno. Questo fenomeno sta colpendo persone e industrie in tutto il mondo. E poiché è improbabile che i prezzi scendano o si stabilizzino nel prossimo futuro, siamo costretti ad aumentare i prezzi di molti dei nostri servizi del 10%.  La ...
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X-Force has identified a new squatting campaign

  • 5º Agosto 2022
Summary X-Force has identified a new squatting campaign used by threat actors to target the media sector. The campaign has a global scope assumingly luring users into giving away their login credentials. Threat Type Squatting Domain, Phishing Domain, Credential Theft Overview We observed 5 squatting domain registrations related to ...
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X-Force has identified a new squatting campaign

  • 12º Mag 2022
Summary X-Force has identified a new squatting campaign used by threat actors to target the finance and insurance sector. The campaign has a global scope assumingly luring users into giving away their login credentials. Threat Type Squatting Domain, Phishing Domain, Credential Theft Overview We observed 3 squatting domain ...
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X-Force has identified a new squatting campaign

  • 10º Mag 2022
Summary X-Force has identified a new squatting campaign used by threat actors to target the media sector. The campaign has a global scope assumingly luring users into giving away their login credentials. Threat Type Squatting Domain, Phishing Domain, Credential Theft Overview We observed 4 squatting domain registrations related to ...
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