TeamSpeak3 Server 3.1.0

  • Friday, 16th February, 2018
  • 06:58am
Aggiornati alla versione 3.1.0 i TeamSpeak3 Server 

What's changed
  • Accounting has been redesigned and rewritten. TeamSpeak 3 servers will now contact the accounting servers over a new protocol at a new address. The new protocol is HTTPS based to provide additional stability and security. Full details can be found in accounting.txt located in the doc folder.
  • HTTPS proxies can now be used to contact our accounting servers. Hosters using Unix will be required to install SSL certificates if they have not done so already. Additional details can be found in accounting.txt in the doc folder.
  • Prior to running the TeamSpeak 3 server, it is now required that you agree to our license terms. This can be found in the file "license.txt" or "LICENSE" (depending on your platform), which is located in the same location as the ts3server binary (main folder). If, after reading it and you agree to the license, you can accept the terms by doing one of the following:
    1. Create a file named ".ts3server_license_accepted" in the current working directory. This is the easiest and recommended method for non-Windows platforms and automated Windows deploys. The contents of this file are irrelevant or can be empty. Example on Linux: touch .ts3server_license_accepted.
    2. Start the ts3server with the commandline parameter "license_accepted" set to 1. Example: ts3server license_accepted=1
    3. Set the OS environment variable TS3SERVER_LICENSE to "accept". Example on Windows: set TS3SERVER_LICENSE=accept
    4. For normal Windows users, a pop-up dialog will appear.
  • Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported.
Should you have any questions or have an issue to report, please contact our support team.
Thank you,

« Nazad